This Erev Shabbos, In Memory Of The Paley Brothers H”yd We Have Raised $25,000 For Couples Struggling With Infertility.

Last Friday, Erev Shabbos, Parshas Yisro, Klal Yisrael suffered the loss of 2 innocent brothers, Asher Menachem z”l and Yaakov Yisrael z”l Paley, who were killed in a terrorist attack on their way to a cousin’s Sheva Brachos.


During Shiva this past week, their mother recounted how this past Friday, right before the horrific attack, with the face of a malach- her sons went around the neighborhood with a pushka as they always did to raise money before candle-lighting for couples in need of treatment through Bonei Olam.


With the encouragement of the Palei family, as the family rises from shiva, the Vzakeini contributions this week will fill Asher Menachem and Yaakov Yisrael z”l’s pushka and be given to couples in their memory.

This week’s donations will be dedicated as a special gathering liluiy nishmas

Asher Menachem ben Avraham Noach Yaakov Yisroel ben Avrohom Noach .


All donations will also be in the Zchus of the Refuah Shleimah of their father Avraham Noach Chaim Ben Yehudis, may he have a Refuah Shleimah very soon.

You can add to Asher Menachem and Yaakov Yisroel’s pushka and fund another couple this week by joining Vzakeini or by adding a donation at

May their tefillos in shamayim and our efforts here be a meilitz yosher for all our couples, a nechama for their family, and an aliyah for their holy neshamos.

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