Historic Campaign Invites Klal Yisroel To ‘Adopt’ Yesomim And Yesomos Raised By The Buneinu And Bnoseinu Programs Of Tov V’ch

The U.S. offices of Tov V’Chesed continue to be a hub of activity today as the Israel-based organization mobilizes for the culmination of its global fundraising drive. With hundreds of community members eagerly volunteering to host their own campaign pages and help spread the word about the organization’s eye-opening activities, the campaign promises to bring historic relief to children and families in need.

In recent years, the organization’s Buneinu and Bnoseinu programs have taken off — and taken the world of chesed by storm. As the premier service for Israeli yesomim and yesomos, these projects have evolved to stand beside yesomim and yesomos from the day their parent’s pass until after their wedding day. It is not a stretch to say that Buneinu and Bnoseinu step in to provide everything the children lack upon the passing of a parent.

These support programs are headquartered in a growing number of Buneinu and Bnoseinu centers throughout the country. Each of these centers serve as a home away from home where orphaned children can come by at all hours to relax, eat a meal, meet a specialist, learn, and much more.

Tov V’Chesed, the organization founded and directed by the globally renowned R’ Yaakov Eliezer Shisha, first made its name through the food distributions it runs for needy Israeli families. In recent years, Rabbi Shisha and his team responded to the overwhelming requests for help that came from orphaned families and expanded to offer these social, emotional and financial services to children who lost a parent.

In addition to the aforementioned food support and the wedding night Simcha Fund that sponsored over 400 wedding nights in their entirety over the last year, Buneinu and Bnoseinu have advanced the organization’s mission well beyond what could ever be imagined. 

For children growing up in broken homes, the services have been lifesavers. The aforementioned centers even provide therapists and mentors onsite, and give the orphaned children a safe place where they can get away from their troubles at home. Those who have visited the centers repeat with awe the impact it had on them, and many of these visitors have taken on a prominent role during this fundraising drive.

The success of Buneinu and Bnoseinu has led to continued growth and a heavier financial burden on the organization. And leadership can no longer manage it on their own. That is why Tov V’Chesed decided to embark on an ambitious drive to remind Klal Yisroel that the children of HKB”H are not their responsibility alone, and that it falls on all of us to do our part. 

With the campaign in full swing, it is expected that Klal Yisroel will hear the calls of those serving on the front lines and come to the aid of their struggling brothers and sisters by supporting these life-altering efforts.

The campaign page can be found HERE.

Donations can also be submitted over the phone at 718-568-5743

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