Teach A Woman To Fish & She Will Never Go Hungry. Right?

It’s a tough world out there. 

Everyone’s fighting for their piece of the pie – and sometimes, those who work hardest are left with the tiniest sliver. 

In Israel, too many Chareidi women struggle to find ample Parnassa opportunities to support their families with dignity. These women face a lack of career guidance, scarce opportunities in lucrative fields, and, at times, harsh stereotyping. Too many Charedi families are simply not making it.

Temech was founded to change this.

Who are the women of Temech? 

They’re strong. Resilient. Smart. Talented. Capable. 

They have what it takes. They just need some support to get there. 

Like Chaya. 

Growing up in a three-room apartment in Jerusalem, the sixth daughter in a chinuch family, she was determined to rise above poverty and provide amply for her family. She was a talented artist– but no idea how to get the requisite training in a profitable field or create new revenue streams. Temech was her answer. Temech gave her the financial tools, and showed her how to develop a business plan so that she can use her talents to support her family.

And Orly. 

She’s a young, bright, and motivated Bais Yaakov graduate who did well in her computer programming course. She’s looking for a position that will allow her to put away savings – but won’t betray her deeply-held values. She was out of school for a year and couldn’t land a decent job. Temech’s internship program provided the first line on her resume, and landed her a secure job.

Temech moves women from struggling to successful – through the fruit of their own hands. 

Through our free or discounted mentorship programs, career training, freelance guidance, professional networking events, startup fund, collaborative workspace, and workplace partnerships,  we empower every woman to pursue her dreams efficiently and effectively. 

You can give Tzedakah dollars. 

Or, you can invest your Tzedakah dollars. 

At Temech, we can’t do it alone.

This February 5th-6th Temach is raising $1 Million to invest in the future of these women. 

Join us in helping each woman reap the Fruit of her Future

Employment. Entrepreneurship. Empowerment.


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