Last Chance to Get Early Bird Pricing for Connectify!


Kupas Yom Tov was founded 8 years ago before Pesach after R”l a double tragedy hit home for the yungerleit in Beis Medrash Govoha. Founded by a group of yungerleit with the goal of helping the beloved Kollel Yungerleit in Beis Medrash Govoha and the Kollelim around Lakewood. It started with extra financial assistance before Pesach and then Sukkos. BH over the past 8 years together we have grown astronomically to well over 1 million dollars per Yom Tov. Helping close to 1,400 families.

There was always a tremendous desire to do more, to help the larger families. Many of them older Chashuve yungerleit who struggle throughout the year. We wanted to help them with assistance on a steady basis.

Before Purim this past year Shela-He was born with this goal in mind. Based on the timeless words of Rabbi Akiva “שלי ושלכם שלה היא”. To allow people to have a direct zechus in Limud hatorah on a daily basis. The idea was started with a group of post seminary girls who joined to give $1 a day which is combined together and sent to families of Talmidei chachamim on a steady basis. Since the start it has BH grown and many more girls, as well as Married women (and Men) have joined.

As we are BH seeing the tremendous hatzlacha of the project we will now be taking the opportunity to take this to the masses. In accordance with our Das Torah we do not host any live-stream or virtual events and therefore we will be making an in person event on Feb 13 in Bell Works. Centrally located in Holmdel, New Jersey with easy access from the tri-state area. The event will be for Post Seminary girls and up.

The theme of the event is embracing a life of connection to Torah with a phenomenal program. We will hear from The Lakewood Rosh Yeshiva Harav Malkiel Kotler Shlita, as well as Rebetzin Rena Tarshish. Plus a special musical panel presentation where we will be inspired from speakers who will share their personal outlook and meaning in how we can connect to and live a life of Torah.
A powerful evening with a timeless message.

An evening for YOU. Please join us, reserve your tickets today, and get early bird pricing which is expiring today. כה תאמר לבית יעקב Be there to hear the message! 

This is our opportunity to reconnect, rejuvenate our neshamos and really focus on our lifelong desire: Embracing and living a life of connection to Torah. 

Please help spread the word and together we will have the opportunity to show Hashem our love for Him and His Torah and our deepest desire is to live a Torah Life!

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