Register Now For This Week’s Project Inspire Convention!

Prepare to be Inspired!
at the Project Inspire Convention in Stamford, Ct.

Captivating. Elegant. Inspirational.
A once in a lifetime lineup of truly AMAAAZING Speakers!

✨ Join the incredibly inspiring weekend, and hear from notable speakers such as Rav Hillel David, Rav Zev Cohen, Rav Gav Friedman, Rabbi Meir Yedid, Rabbi Efrem Goldberg, Rabbi Chaim Sampson, Charlie Harary, Rabbi Dovid Greenblatt, Rabbi Yitzchok Feldheim.

✨ The women’s program will include Mrs. Dina Schoonmacher, Rabbanit Yemima Mizrachi, Mrs. Jackie Bitton, Mrs. Debbie Greenblatt and Rebbetzin Michal Cohen.

Tantalizing Cuisine, Stunning Accomodations & Top Rated Entertainment.

Special Late Night Motzei Shabbos kumzitz with Avraham Fried❗

Where: The Armon Hotel in Stamford, Ct.
When: February 24th-26th (Shabbos Parshas Terumah)

Register Now: 👉

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