Chemed Presents: A Premier Conference for Medical Professionals

Join CHEMED for the 5th Annual Medicine + Ethics Conference!

Open for medical professionals, this conference offers you the incredible opportunity to network with peers spanning the various specialties in the medical world. The connections and friendships made will carry you through the year, long after the event is over.  This is an opportunity not to be missed!

February 16-19, President’s Day Weekend

The speakers include thought leaders and authorities in their individual fields, who will come together to bring you a program to remember. Captivating lectures are scheduled on a broad interest range. In addition, this year a new feature was rolled out, the ability to meet one on one with the top of the line speakers!

With great programming for the entire family, this Shabbos promises to be enjoyable for everyone. Your spouse and children will be glad they came along, as they experience the Motzei Shabbos kumsitz with Baruch Levine and Abie Rotenberg, in addition to the delicious food and exciting daycamp program!

Limited publicly funded subsidies available. Please inquire for further information

Ethics Speakers Include:


Medical Speakers Include:

The Hilton

Stamford, Connecticut

Don’t miss out on this incredible networking opportunity!
Register Now!

The Center for Health Education, Medicine, & Dentistry (CHEMED) is a Federally Qualified Health Center located in Lakewood, New Jersey. Since 2008, CHEMED has offered primary and specialty care services, as well as patient education, to its primarily Orthodox Jewish and Hispanic patient base. CHEMED’s integrated care model allows patients to seamlessly receive a wide range of services including Radiology, Women’s Health, Behavioral Health, Podiatry and Dentistry all in one location. 

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