She’s Counting On You! Chasdei Chashi L’Kallah Furnishes Thousands Of Kallahs Homes- 36 Hours Left To Help Us!

Mazel Tov! A joyous occasion- an engagement of a Choson and Kallah! What a simcha!  Yet, what happens when that joy is marred by worry, by crushing financial despair?

Enter Chasdei Chashi L’Kallah. CCL magically turns the worry of the parents into true joy, as it lifts the financial burden of the simcha. CCL is a unique organization. Formed 20 years ago by a group of siblings desperate to find a Yeshua for their sick parents, Rabbi and Mrs. Zev and Chashi Weiss A”H, its goal was to amass zechusim for this special couple and provide relief to Kallahs and their families who were collapsing under the staggering expenses involved in making a simcha. Upon their untimely petira, the organization was continued LiIlluy Nishmusam. With no paid employees and little overhead expenses, this organization has grown beyond anyone’s imagination, with a budget today of $1,000,000 and hundreds of Kallahs a year all over the USA being heloped.

What exactly does CCL do? CCL fills a void in the world of Hachnasas Kallah. After careful research, the Weiss family realized that no organization provided Kallahs with basic furniture. They began by giving high-quality beds to each new couple, followed by a beautiful dinette set, and have recently added in a comfortable couch as well. By turning the couple’s house into a home, CCL turns what would have been a very stressful time into a complete, true simcha.

What can you do to help? Join the CCL Annual Auction. The annual auction is CCL’s main fundraiser. By joining the auction, you have a chance to win fantastic prizes, while at the same time winning the zechus of helping kallahs in need.
How to join? by web, phone or mail:
657 East 7th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11218


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