Video: Time is almost up!

Dear Fellow Jews, In just a couple of days is the wedding of the daughter of Beloved Rebbi and Mentor Harav Efraim Krohn Shlit”a, well known in the Mattersdorf Neighborhood. He already struggles greatly with his family’s basic needs and the added expenses of this Chasuna along with previous accumulated debt is simply beyond his ability. He still has not managed to finish obtaining money for even the simplest wedding! He needs your support! DONATE NOW!

We can not understate the Tzidkus and Kedusha of this man, who would literally give his last 100 shekel to help a chaver or talmid in need. Now he’s in need. Let’s help him! The zechus for you and your family will be beyond description!

Please consider donating for this Holy Yid’s daughter’s Chasuna.


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