Patient Endangered by Three Month Wait for MRI

Medical doctor technology View MRI Magnetic Resonance Imaging X-ray results with a tablet

The process of getting an MRI for a patient used to involve two things – a doctor who wanted an MRI and a patient who needed an MRI.

However, in Israel, when a patient needs an MRI urgently, obtaining an appointment continues to become progressively more complex.  Getting an MRI appointment involves at least a three-month wait. What is a patient to do when he needs a scan urgently?

Last week, Aron, a Canadian oleh to Israel, was told by a grim-faced doctor he needs an MRI as soon as possible. But Aron, who’s been living in Israel long enough, knew that appointments at imaging centers are impossibly  hard to come by. Calls to every imaging center in the city yielded no results, until Aron was forced to admit defeat.

Aron informed his doctor that his efforts to secure an appointment were futile due to the long waiting list. Only then did his doctor suggest that he call Chaim V’Chessed and things started moving. And fast. Chaim V’Chessed secured an MRI appointment for that same week.

Chaim V’chessed is above nature. A place where the impossible becomes possible. Utter the words ‘Chaim V’Chessed’ to any English speaker in the Holy Land, and you will be rewarded with a story of how Chaim V’Chessed was at their side when nobody looked their way. They remain at the forefront, assisting and advocating for our community.

Obtaining medical appointments in Israel is far from simple, and since its debut in 2015, Chaim V’Chessed has been successfully obtaining appointments for the English speaking community.

What does Chaim V’Chessed do? The real question is: What don’t they do?

Help them reach their goal in just 48 hours. January 4th and 5th. Chaim V’Chessed is counting on your support. I want to support Chaim V’Chessed.

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