Happening Now! Machon Yerushalayim Annual Sales Event Features Exciting New Releases, Timeless Classics

Happening Now! Machon Yerushalayim Annual Sales Event Features Exciting New Releases, Timeless Classics

Torah scholars, teachers and laymen have been eagerly anticipating Machon Yerushalayim’s Annual Sales Event, from now through 22 Teves (Jan. 15) at selected Judaica bookstores. This is your chance to upgrade, renew and enrich your Torah library – at home, in your shul or yeshivah. Machon Yerushalayim’s newly released, reformatted commentaries and halachah seforim, alongside classic Torah texts, will be available at special sale prices. Many seforim on all subjects of Torah, Halacha and Gemara are being offered at especially low sale prices. Classics including the Shulchan Aruch Friedman Edition, Tshuvos HaRishonim, the Mordechai, Minchas Chinuch, Noda B’Yehuda and more have all been revised, corrected and published in beautiful, new editions.

“One of the most popular new sets is the monumental Otzar Meforshei HaTorah

noted one of the large seforim chain owners in the area. This all-encompassing collection culled from close to 1,000 commentaries will change your entire Chumash experience! Your learning, understanding of the Parasha, and your Shabbos table will be transformed!” he said. While the entire set is not yet complete, Breishis, Shemos and Bamidbar have been published so far. Each volume published is received with tremendous excitement. We have now brought these volumes to the USA.

“We dedicate tremendous thought to bringing a variety of our most special editions to the learning community as well as to the many choshuve baalebatim in the US at special sale prices,” said Rabbi Moshe Buxbaum, director of Machon Yerushalayim.

One  of the largest Torah research institutes today, Machon Yerushalayim employs some 150 Torah scholars to research and redact ancient Torah works and reprint them in a high-quality, clear format with additions and explanations to restore them in all their glory.

See some of the new volumes released this year:

Otzar Meforshei HaTorah- Bamidbar Vol. II The Avrohom Schonberger Edition

A new, monumental project of Machon Yerushalayim the Otzar Meforshei HaTorah comprises close to one thousand commentaries on the pshat of the verses of the Torah. All commentaries are from Chazal, Rishonim and Achronim up to the present, edited and designed in a style that is light, clear, and concise. The answer to almost any questions that may arise while learning is now easily accessible. Sefer Vayikra is currently being worked on by an elite team of scholars at Machon Yerushalayim.
A masterpiece that has had incomparable reviews and one that you will surely find astounding!
A must for every Rebbe, every teacher, and every home! 

Otzar Meforshei HaBracha The Avrohom Schonberger Edition

JUST RELEASED! The unique all-encompassing treasuries of commentaries on Birkas Hamazon, Al Hamichya, and Sheva Brachos culled from hundreds of seforim, compiled in a clear, concise format. 

Sefer HaTrumah – Chelek II 

The Mechaber was Rabbi Baruch B”r Yitschok, one of the Baalei Tosafos. A beautifully corrected version according to his manuscript.  Includes additions, supplementary material, sources, explanations, footnotes, a comprehensive introduction about the sefer and the mechaber.

Shu”t Shoel Umeishiv – Mahaduras Tinyana – Chelek II, and Mahduras Revia’a – Chelek I The Stern Edition

The response of Rabbi Yosef Shaul Nathanson on the four parts of the Shulchan Aruch in a beautiful new format that includes thousands of corrections, additions, supplementary material, comments, explanations, footnotes and sources.

Siach Yitzchok on Maseches Chagiga

by: Rabbi Yitzchok Nunis Vaiss
Chiddushim on Gemara, Rashi, Tosfos, and explanations on the sugyas, with thousands of corrections, notes and comments, with the תוספות ישנים incorporated in the Daf.

Pisat Bar – Menochos, Bechoros and Kinim

Rabbi Yakov Shimshon Shabtai Sigalia
Chiddushim and explanation on Kodshim printed for the first time from the mechaber’s manuscript, with notes, sources and comments.

Siddur HaRaavan – Rabbi Eliezer b”r  Nathan

The siddur from the one of the Baalei Tosfos, Nushach Ashkenaz, with explanations and commentary. Published according to the manuscript and early printings. 

Pnei Shlomo – Rabbi Shlomo Gantzfried The Benedict Edtion

A new condensed edition of the Chiddushim and commentary on the Talmud by the great Gaon, the author of the “Kitzur Shulchan Aruch”. Published in its entirety for the first time from manuscripts. Includes footnotes, sources, comments and a comprehensive introduction.

and many more!

Now Is Your Chance!
Click Here to Order Your Seforim Today!

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