Unfortunately, Amram passed away 6 months ago. She is now totally alone in this world

Please help Miriam- a giyores who is not well and is all alone.  

Miriam received the zechus to become a member of Klal Yisroel 15 years ago, after much effort. With much joy and celebration, she married Amram, who was also a ger.  

Unfortunately, Amram passed away 6 months ago. She is now totally alone in this world.  

Now at 62, sadly, Miriam has many health problems, including severe diabetes and high blood pressure. She has also developed balance issues and is no longer able to walk or even stand properly.  

When we went to pay her a visit this week, we found her shivering beneath blankets because she did not have the funds to heat her house.  

She has no source of income. She does not have money to buy food or the ability to even stand and cook it.  DONATE NOW!

Rabbanim have opened up a special fund for her bills. It will pay for her basic living expenses, medicine, and cooked food during the week and for shabbos.  

Remember that we are commanded to love the Ger. Miriam is also an almana. Please give generously  

Tizku Lemitzvos


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