Understanding Dor Yeshorim’s Hearing Loss Panel

Why is Dor Yeshorim focusing on hearing loss? 
We have seen a steady and concerning increase of families suffering from unexplained hearing  loss. As the number of families across all ancestries continued to grow, it became exceedingly  clear that there was a vital need for immediate and extensive research. There are currently almost one thousand families experiencing hearing loss and in need of Dor Yeshorim’s ongoing  research expertise. 

What has Dor Yeshorim’s research uncovered? 
Using cutting edge genetic technology and working with laboratories and research groups  across the globe – including our top-of-the-line R&D lab – with Hashem’s help, we successfully identified over 20 genes and more than 60 genetic mutations causing genetic hearing loss. Our  research continues, but we cannot waste any time bringing this new panel to the public.  

I have no family history of hearing loss. Is this panel still for me? 
Absolutely. The genes that cause hearing loss are very common. In fact, most of the families  currently experiencing hearing loss have no prior history. Testing for hearing loss is no different  than testing for Cystic Fibrosis, for example. Anyone can be a carrier, and the chances of being a  carrier for hearing loss are actually higher than many other genetic diseases. 

What steps do I take if I DO have a family history of hearing loss? 
Please call our office with more information so we can ensure that you are tested for the exact  genetic mutation in your family. (A list of the genes and mutations can be viewed on our  website). If the genetic cause has not yet been identified or confirmed, Dor Yeshorim’s  extensive research department can provide cost-free answers and guidance. Please do not  hesitate to reach out for these and all other unidentified/unexplained serious symptoms or  issues that are potentially genetic in nature. 

Is the panel a guarantee against hearing loss? 
The cause for hearing loss is not always genetic; therefore, the panel does not provide a full  guarantee. It is, however, a comprehensive test that will, with Hashem’s help, prevent most  cases of recessive, genetically inherited hearing loss.  

Rabbanim across the spectrum highly recommend that everyone be screened. If you were  already screened by Dor Yeshorim, please contact the office or visit our website to add the Hearing Loss panel to your profile. Results take two weeks due to the intricacy of the testing  involved. All future screening will offer the opportunity to add the Hearing Loss Panel. 


Visit: www.doryeshorim.org
Email: [email protected]
or Call: 718-384-6060 option 2

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