Great Opportunity for Zos Chanukah: Tremendous Talmid Chacham in Significant Need of Assistance.

Watch what renowned Author Rabbi Pliskin and other prominent Rabbanim say about this situation. 
Beloved Rebbi and Mentor Harav Efraim Krohn Shlit”a, well known in the Mattersdorf Neighborhood, is Baruch Hashem marrying off his daughter in 3 weeks. He already struggles greatly with his family’s basic needs and the added expenses of this Chasuna along with previous accumulated debt is simply beyond his ability. 

The seforim write that the support of needy Talmidei Chachamim on Chanuka is especially auspicious for the tikkun of one’s own nefesh. Grab this opportunity! This incredible Tzaddik and Ba’al Chesed certainly qualifies!


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