Bringing Miracles to Life

In just a few days, we will once again light the menorah to commemorate the miracle of Chanukah. These flames that we display in our windows serve as a reminder that even in the darkest times, there is always light to be found. 

For thousands of families across Israel, the organization Kupath Rabbi Meir Baal Haness Kolel Polin has been providing that light for over 200 years! With over ₪ 8,920,611 distributed in 29 communities throughout Israel, the organization has helped countless Yidden who are struggling with medical bills, single parenthood, and unemployment, along with providing them with what they need to properly enjoy each Yom Tov and family simcha that comes their way.  Since their founding in 1796, Kupath Rabbi Meir Baal Haness Kolel Polin has been making miracles come to life for those that need it most. 

That is why there is no better time than as we celebrate the miracle of Chanukah to search for your own miracle through the z’chus of Rabbi Meir Baal Haness. We are all in search of something, whether it’s a spouse, a child, or even simply a lost object. There is a timeless segulah that can be merited with Kupath Rabbi Meir to help your miracle. 

For just a small donation, the powerful combination of tzedakah and tefilla can help you in finding what you have been searching for. 

Give. Daven. Find your miracle at

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