It’s Finally Here, Better Then Ever Before!

You can’t miss this year’s Oorah Auction– loaded with cash prizes, trips to Israel, an entire barrel of bourbon, stunning silver, a Tesla, paid rent or mortgage, and— believe it or not— the opportunity to sleep for a week.

Plus, what if we told you that tickets are still only $5?

(Tickets are still only $5.)

Not only that, your $5 alone enables Oorah to send thousands of Jewish children to yeshiva each year, set up and maintain thousands of TorahMates partnerships, run shabbosos and Yomim Tovim at TheZone for hundreds of unaffiliated families, and bring over a thousand children to camp each summer for a month of learning, growth, and change.

These Yiddishe neshamos need your help, and all it takes is $5! You can take home $36,000 cash, that expensive new sheitel you’ve been eyeing, or even $14,500 for your next simcha.

Oorah Auction is an easy way to be a part of Oorah’s vital work and impact the future generations of Klal Yisroel. Just call 1.877.7.AUCTION or visit to donate now.

Keep your eyes peeled for this year’s Oorah Auction book, chock full of funny sons-in-law, your favorite daf yomi buddies, and the usual extended family chaos. Coming soon to a mailbox near you!

Enter now!

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