Chanukah with ArtScroll – Save 20% on All New Releases + Over 3,000 Titles!

This Chanukah, ArtScroll has all the essentials for your reading pleasure and your gifting needs! Read on for a glimpse into the magnificent new releases that will inspire and uplift you and your family.

Every year, we give our readers a special Chanukah gift — 20% off every ArtScroll book. This year, that includes all 3,000 + ArtScroll books and fantastic new titles. Looking for the perfect gift? There’s something for everyone – and all at a fantastic price.

Here’s a list of our new – many already bestselling – titles:

The Grandeur of the Maggid

It’s been six long years since Rabbi Paysach Krohn published his last collection of true stories. Now, Rabbi Krohn’s fans (and who isn’t?) can celebrate the release of The Grandeur of the Maggid, Rabbi Krohn’s tenth collection of inspiring stories. The “American Maggid” outdoes himself in this absorbing new title, bringing us true stories that elevate as they entertain, that illuminate as they inspire. Rabbi Krohn has a genius for finding fantastic stories — and a genius for telling them. He finds an unbelievable story of kavod haTorah in the ruins of the building in Surfside, and discovers human “angels” in a beachfront restaurant. As Rabbi Krohn says, he wanted “to write and tell the stories that bring out the grandeur of Jews around the world.” And he certainly succeeds in this new collection!

The Malach

How we miss Rav Chaim Kanievsky’s glowing face and his endless love for Hashem, His Torah and His People. In a new magnificent volume, The Malach, we can once again gaze at the Sar HaTorah and be inspired by his brilliance, guidance, and boundless ahavas haTorah.

This deluxe, full-color, large-size edition includes more than 300 photos, many of them rare and never-before-published, and vignettes and stories about Rav Chaim’s life, accomplishments, and extraordinary diligence and caring.

Best of Kosher

20 years in the making. 13 celebrated authors. In Best of Kosher, The world’s top kosher cookbook authors come together to bring you the greatest collection of their most iconic recipes and fabulous new creations.

This cookbook features recipes from Chanie Apfelbaum, Between Carpools, Miriam (Pascal) Cohen, Victoria Dwek, Susie Fishbein, Rivky Kleiman, Sina Mizrahi, Renee Muller, Naomi Nachman, Danielle Renov, Daniella Silver, Leah Schapira, and Rorie Weisberg.

The new recipes are truly the best of the best. Cookbook authors are always innovating and developing, and every author gave the best of their most recent creations to this book. The new recipes are going to be absolute favorites!

Great Jewish Faith

We all know how vital emunah and bitachon are to our lives. Rabbi Moshe Bamberger brings us an incredibly effective emunah-enhancer: Great Jewish Faith: A Panorama of Emunah and Bitachon Essentials by Torah Personalities. This new addition to his popular Great Jewish … series brings us 100 quotations from Torah giants as varied as the Ramchal, Rav Shamshon Raphael Hirsch, the Klausenberger Rebbe, and Rav Chaim Kanievsky. Each spread includes a short and powerful quote, a photo or portrait of the gadol, a brief commentary, and a photograph that brings the ideas in the quote to life in a vivid and dramatic way.

Each gorgeous spread is a treat for the eyes, the heart … and the neshamah.

Reb Dovid

Rav Dovid Feinstein was born to one of the greatest poskei hador of his time, Rav Moshe Feinstein, and he himself was a phenomenal masmid and ilui. Yet, Reb Dovid carried his incomparable yichus and many accomplishments lightly, with a sweetness and humility that only emphasized his Torah greatness.

He was a quiet man, content to sit and learn day and night in the MTJ beis medrash that was his second home for eight decades. And yet, with the achrayus for the klal that also defined him, he taught and influenced thousands, beloved by talmidim and virtual strangers alike for his compassion, deep understanding of human nature, and his gentle smile.

He was, as one of America’s leading roshei yeshivah said of him, a man who was “kulo Torah” – whose essence was Torah. “Kulo Torah” included care and consideration for others – the ability to understand the needs of the talmidim who were so drawn to him, of petitioners who came to him pleading for tefillos and berachos, of shoppers who stopped him in grocery store aisles with halachic questions, and of his people, his neighbors and friends on his beloved Lower East Side.

Written by Yisroel Besser, Reb Dovid is a book about the many aspects of Torah greatness that a person can achieve. A book that helps us achieve greatness as well.

Let’s Get Bentching

Do your kids – and, be honest, do you? – suffer from the common ailment called “bentch-o-phobia”? Do the children ask for crackers in their lunchbox, rather than bread, because “I don’t feel like bentching”? And if they do wash, do they mutter the words of Bircas HaMazon by heart in a few quick minutes, before racing out to play?

Do you want your kids to be excited about bentching?

Written by Tamar Ansh, bestselling author of Let’s Say Amen, Let’s Get Bentching brings our children a new and exciting perspective on this mitzvah d’Oraysa. In its full-color, fully laminated pages, kids will read about the amazing power of bentching. They will hear about the importance of bentching from Torah personalities and will enjoy fascinating facts and easy-to-understand halachos. And, of course, they’ll love the stories. So many stories, about great men and women, “ordinary” people (is a Jew ever ordinary?) and even children, and how bentching properly brought them unbelievable berachos.

Give the children a lifetime of blessing – and Let’s Get Bentching!

Living Emunah for Children, Vol. 3

What excitement when our children take their first steps and begin to walk. And what profound, endless happiness – when our children take their first steps into emunah, into learning that Hashem loves them, and that they can trust Him to do what is best!

Jewish children the world over have joined the hundreds of thousands of adults who have taken the joyous journey to serenity through emunah with Rabbi David Ashear’s Living Emunah series. Living Emunah for Children 3 brings young readers more fun, exciting and emunah-packed stories.

Be a Blessing

Be a Blessing is Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis’s final book, written during the throes of a serious, painful illness. And yet it sings out with emunah, hope, and optimism. In Be a Blessing, the Rebbetzin shares with us so many things: Poignant personal memories of a lifetime of achievement. Guidance for parents, spouses, singles seeking their soulmates, and just about everyone facing challenges. Inspiring Torah thoughts to strengthen our emunah.

The Rebbetzin’s daughter, Rebbetzin Slovie Jungreis Wolff, says, “The day my mother arrived in Bergen-Belsen, my zeide said to her, ‘You have here a mission.’ My mother didn’t understand, she was just a little girl. ‘Here, you can give a ‘shmeichel’ (smile). Here, you can be a berachah, a blessing. Because when you smile, you give others faith. You give them hope and courage.’ My zeide’s words imbued my mother with a purpose and a mission: No matter what is going on in your life, you give strength, courage, and faith to others. This became her lifelong mission.”

Strength, courage, faith. It was the Rebbetzin’s mission, and she carried it out successfully through her last days on earth. Be a Blessing is her legacy to us, her blessing to all of Klal Yisrael, her children.

The World That Was – Eretz Yisrael, Volume 2

Following the success of Volume 1, in The World That Was – Eretz Yisrael, Volume 2 we travel to Eretz Yisrael and meet the idealistic Jews establishing yeshivos and Beis Yaakovs, kollelim, Chassidic courts and Torah communities in the late 19th century to the present, learn of their political and ideological struggles, and be inspired by their resilience, determination, and incomparable sense of achrayus for their people.

Guiding With Wisdom

Rabbi Yaakov Mordechai Greenwald was a widely respected therapist, with strong personal relationships with many gedolei Yisrael. He was particularly close to the Steipler Gaon, Rav Yaakov Yisrael Kanievsky, whose guidance strongly influenced his therapeutic approach to healing. Guiding With Wisdom offers us a powerful Torah-based perspective on healing and emotional and mental health, with many priceless insights from the Steipler.

Rav Elya Meir Sorotzkin

Coming soon… He was a self-made man. Yes, he came from a princely family of Torah greatness. Yes, he was endowed with superb intellect. But perhaps it can be said that Rav Elya Meir Sorotzkin soared to greatness despite these unique qualities, not because of them! Because his was a life of constant growth. This book will give you a deep appreciation for Torah. It will show you what a lifelong impact a Rebbi can have on his talmidim and later their wives and children too. In every page there is an inspiring story with which any reader can identify.

This book will elevate you, inspire you… and obligate you.

Shop all ArtScroll new releases and 20% off sale at your local Hebrew Bookstore and at

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