Daven for Matilda Rachel Bat Suzanne (very serious)

An ambulance responds to the scene of an emergency.

Matilda Rachel Bat Suzanne is currently facing a matzav that no one should ever have to endure. She is sick with a serious illness that has taken over her physical and mental wellbeing, the cost of which to cure is not covered by the Ministry of Health. The Doctors recommend one more treatment that can help. They have given the family new hope. The top doctors believe that this can be successful.

The cost of the treatment is 50,000 shekels. Her family’s financial situation has worsened due to her illness since she requires constant care and supervision. All the family savings had been spent long ago when she was first diagnosed. The extended family has helped financially as much as they are able. DONATE NOW!

Her family is begging for help to all who are able to donate. Rabbi Chanoch Davidman of Ramat Beit Shemesh testifies to the integrity of the family, and in the merit of extending a hand, Hashem should bless you with health and parnassah, and have mercy on all Cholay Yisroel.


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