Yerusha: The elephant in the room

Yerusha: The elephant in the room

Nobody talks about death. But that means nobody talks about your family’s finances until you’re gone. (Except for this guide — click here to access it)

Death and anything associated with it is uncomfortable. Untangling money issues and determining your family’s financial future is complicated. Add the difficulty of making a decision that might upset some children and it’s easy to understand why people avoid writing a will (or even thinking about it).

Easy to understand, but still a mistake.

If parents’ wishes are left unclear, many families will face some level of tension that could have been avoided. Children will have to decide on things that should have been decided by the parent. When families should be feeling closest, they’re pushed apart.

That’s why Odenu was formed: to advocate for clearer estate plans in order to prevent unnecessary tension and leave a legacy of peace. To give this important responsibility a voice. To help you start those critical conversations.

To talk to friends.
To talk to accountants.
Maybe even to talk to your children.

So you can find out what estate and inheritance issues come up. What to plan for. How you can make your inheritance easier for your family, and help them out even when you’re not there.

Here’s our guide helping you know what to think about, and where to start.

Odenu worked with a team of dayanim, lawyers and accountants to develop a guide sharing the most common mistakes everybody makes, and what to do to get your will right. 

Addressing the elephant in the room, and talking about death is the best way to protect your family. It’s the last gift you give your children. Not because it’s easy, but because it’s right. 

You can start by  downloading the guide right here at no cost.

Odenu is a non-profit on a mission to normalize estate planning and discussions, and to make them happen earlier. So death draws family closer together, not further apart.
For more information, helpful resources or to get in touch, visit

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