Tribeworks: A Business Gathering Like No Other

Natan Sharansky, a famous refusenik, made a comment at the beginning of the war in Ukraine that resonated with millions around the world ‘’Growing up, having ‘Jew’ stamped on your passport meant you were discriminated against. Today, being a Jew means that you have an entire group of people to look out for your well-being.’’

This statement also holds true, perhaps like never before, in the world of business and finance.  

In the year 2022, we have been blessed with an array of Jewish organizations providing every imaginable service to business owners and individuals.  

From interest free loans of up to $50,000, free office space, free mentorship, credit counseling, job placement, networking and business forums, educational seminars, accelerators, and so much more, the services are virtually endless. 

Seventeen of the organizations providing free-of-charge services came together three years ago under one umbrella called Tribeworks. The goal was simple- a client of any one of the organizations would automatically be a client of the others. In the years since, thousands of people have benefited from the Tribeworks collaboration with millions of dollars brought into the community. 

On December 7th, the Tribeworks organizations are putting on a business conference with a focus on scaling businesses and organizations. The speakers are business titans and executives of major corporations and the sessions are crafted for all types of businesses, from Amazon and Wholesale to Service and non-profits. 

Business owners and entrepreneurs will be able to:  

  1. Obtain a world-class business education 
  2. Meet the best in class speakers 1 on 1
  3. Network with like-minded business owners 
  4. Apply for free business mentorship with someone in their space 
  5. Apply on the spot for $50,000 interest free loans 
  6. Meet angel investors for higher dollar investments
  7. Create lasting business forums with the unique Leadership League

This is truly an opportunity not to be missed. 

To sign up go to

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