Virtual Open House: Considering Mesivtas? Consider Miami! 🌴 – Sunday 11/27

Considering Mesivtas? Consider Miami!
Join our Open House Virtually This Sunday

Yeshiva Toras Chaim Toras Emes, one of the largest Yeshivos in the Southeast, is hosting an open house for its Dr. Abe Chames High School this Sunday, November 27, where prospective parents and students can see why so many families choose YTCTE as their mesivta.

Located in the vibrant Torah community of North Miami Beach, Florida, YTCTE is a Yeshiva that is known, not only for its high level learning, but also for its ruach and warmth. The Rebbeim truly care about each talmid, both in the classroom and out, and the talmidim know they can always turn to their Rebbe for guidance, even years after they graduate. To ensure that every talmid can learn and grow at their pace, the Yeshiva offers both grade-level shiurim as well as an advanced limudei kodesh track with extra sedarim throughout the week.

YTCTE is also proud of its rigorous high school general studies program that prepares students to successfully pursue an advanced education. With three leveled classes in every subject, including many AP courses, YTCTE students graduate Yeshiva with a well-rounded education, fully prepared to enter the next stage of life.

The mesivta provides a robust extra-curricular program to round off the YTCTE experience and ensure that talmidim thrive outside the classroom as well. Its full-service dormitory attracts boys from across the country, and beyond. It is no surprise that YTCTE has earned a reputation as a Yeshiva that transforms boys into young men who are true B’nei Torah, ready to change the world.

Come to the Open House this Sunday at 8:00 PM and get a taste of the amazing Yeshiva Toras Chaim Toras Emes DACHS experience.

Location: Klurman Campus
                  1025 NE Miami Gardens Drive
                  North Miami Beach, FL 33179

If you cannot make it in person, watch the open house livestream at

To receive a reminder on Sunday morning to watch the livestream, please email [email protected].

To find out more about our Yeshiva, visit

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