Watch: 1,0000 Jews Unite at BJX Flatbush Shabbos Project

BJX Flatbush Shabbos Project
More Than A Thousand Jews Gather Together in Unity 

The impact the BJX is having on the Brooklyn community, and beyond, is incredible. Close to two hundred Jewish college students and young professionals joined the exquisite Friday night Shabbos Seudah hosted by Yanky and Chaya Feuereisen in the Young Israel of Ave. K ballroom. “I’m getting emotional seeing so many Jews come together,” said world renowned speaker Rav Gav, who was flown in from Israel just for the Flatbush Shabbos Project. Many were astonished that a Shabbos of this magnitude was possible in Brooklyn. The old sentiment was that there is no need for kiruv in Brooklyn- yet each venue was crammed with less affiliated college students and young Jewish professionals eager to learn, grow in Yiddishkeit and experience Shabbos. “There must have more than a thousand people who joined the various minyanim, lectures and the Shalosh Seudos,” mused Simcha Katz. 

Certain images are difficult to convey in words. You had to have witnessed firsthand the incredible achdus of all types of acheinu beni Yisroel at the BJX Flatbush Shabbos Project. “It was incredible to see the wide variety of Yidden who came from every background and every level of commitment. Frum and non-frum- everyone felt that this past Shabbos was transformative. “Rabbis Fingerer are above and beyond description. They are looking to help every single kind of Jew,” exclaimed Rav Gav. 

Flatbush families opened their homes and hosted numerous students so that they can benefit from this special Shabbos. Rami, a young professional said that Shabbos was electrifying. Rav Gav spoke on relationships, the Parsha, happiness, achdus and resolutions. 

Seeing the comradery, achdus and authenticity that BJX does every day for our brethren, evoked strong feelings from the entire frum community of Ahavas Yisroel and achrayus. “There are very few times that I genuinely cry. I literally could not stop crying as I watched Rabbi Fingerer dance with his students by Hashevenu Hashem Eilacha,” said Rabbi Rabinowitz.  There was a palpable sense of excitement for Yiddishkeit on the faces and in the hearts of all the students. 

“It was an unbelievable experience. The Torah from Rav Fingerer and Rav Gav blew me away,” said Noam S, a Flatbush resident. Adam, a young professional, said, “This first Shabbat positively impacted me unlike any other Jewish experience I’ve had thus far.” Mark, another young professional, said, “To feel so much light and love from BJX was amazing. The classes from Rabbis Fingerer have inspired me so much.” “BJX does the best work,” shared a student Ryan. “They really give a sense of community and authentic Jewishness to everyone,” he said. 

No one will forget the electrifying charge Rav Yitzchok Fingerer delivered Friday night at the Kingsway Jewish Center, propelling all of us to “be on fire for Hashem and His children.” He ignited us to tap into the passion and fervor of Avrohom Avinu to care for one another. Rav Gav’s uplifting speech at the packed dinner awoke the pintele Yid of all in attendance. Both Rabbonim captivated the packed audience with their dynamism, wisdom and humor.  

“It was a big zchus to join this Shabbos”, shared renowned singer, Yehuda Green. “The Shabbos Project was extraordinary. Each speech was full to capacity with every type of Jew. BJX is a unique organization,” said Mordechai Jaffa.  “This is one of the most incredible Shabbosim I’ve ever experienced,” said Rav Gav. 

On Shabbos afternoon, there was a community-wide shiur with Rav Gav at BJX followed by a gala Shalosh Seudos at the Agudas Yisroel Beis Binyomin which again had an overflow attendance. Rabbi Moshe Fingerer, Menahel of BJX, said that just like it was extraordinary and miraculous for Avrohom and Sara to give birth to Yitzchok at such an advanced age, so too, having close to 200 less affiliated Yidden come to experience Shabbos in Flatbush was beyond ordinary and miraculous. “The goal of the Flatbush Shabbos Project is to unify Brooklyn via Ahavas Yisroel and shmiras Shabbos,” he said. Rav Moshe Tuvia Lieff spoke passionately to the immense crowd about living a Torah ingrained life and gave beautiful berachos to everyone. 

“I experienced Shabbatons around the world. Yet I’ve never experienced a Shabbat like this one. BJX is the most inspiring Jewish environment!” said Brian. “I thank Rabbis Fingerer and BJX from bringing meaning and light into my life,” he said. This was one of the most uplifting and spiritual experiences I’ve ever had,” shared Joey who finally had his first Aliyah this Shabbos. Thank you BJX for teaching me what it means to have true Ahavas Yisroel and for shifting my mindset in such a profound way,” said Breindy K. 

Persistence, love and patience is the magical formula for reaching out to our fellow Jew and connecting them with their Torah birthright. More than a thousand Jews from all walks of life, ranging from yidden with Brisker Payos and kapatos to secular Jews who never kept Shabbos or stepped foot into a shul, participated. It is everyone’s hope that the crowds of Jews united in achdus and ahavas Yisroel should herald the coming of Moshiach. 

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