There’s Nothing Like Yom Tov in Yerushalayim

Another Successful Yom Tov Season at Jerusalem Estates

Weeks before Elul, the streets were abuzz with rumors about the expected influx of tourism for the Yomim Noraim. Demand for apartments skyrocketed, but nothing could have prepared the residents of Yerushalayim for the procession of flights that carried tens of thousands of families into Israel from the United States, Europe, and even South America.

As always, the majority of the festivities was centered on the strip between Romema and the Jewish Quarter, with Jerusalem Estates at its heart. Jerusalem Estates worked well in advance for the arrival of the masses, who would be building their Sukkahs and welcoming guests throughout the Yomim Tovim. On the ground floor, a special area was allocated for the seasonal tefillos, meaningfully named Heichal Yaakov Eliezer, This Makom Tefillah, established for the comfort of our residents, proved to be a beautiful and befitting place for davening, and while temporary, greatly added to the special communal atmosphere created here in Jerusalem Estates. 

Yerushalayim was soon draped in the festive atmosphere of the Yomim Tovim, the air filled with exultation as thousands of Yidden celebrated together. From Kapparos to the Arbah Minim shuk and Hakafos Shniyos at the Kosel, it was an elevated Yom Tov experience which will surely accompany our guests well into the long, cold winter season. If you would like the rewarding experience of acquiring everlasting history, contact our sales office at 718-564-6656, or visit

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