Torah Umesorah: A Vital & Indispensable Part of Our Chinuch System

You’re familiar with Torah Umesorah. You know that they are involved in supporting our chinuch system. You’ve heard about some of their programs. As you read this, you might be nodding and thinking, “Yes, they’re great,” and are getting ready to move on with your day.

Wait a moment. Do you really understand and appreciate just how much Torah Umesorah does for every child, for every yeshiva and Bais Yaakov, for every mechanech and school leader?

Torah Umesorah is the one organization that exists, lives, and breathes to uphold, strengthen, and perpetuate our Torah and our Mesorah. The scope of what Torah Umesorah does is mind-boggling. From school accreditation to Holocaust curriculum, from coaches for new teachers to conferences featuring thousand of mechanchim, from’s massive network of shared educational materials and resources to programs that provide tools and resources for the struggling learner, Torah Umesorah is at the forefront of every element and area of our ever-expanding and changing chinuch system.


When a yungerman is ready to enter the world of chinuch, where does he turn to obtain the skills, know-how and confidence that will pave the way for success? He turns to Torah Umesorah’s Aish Dos program, which has graduated over 2,000 participants since its inception.

When a school is looking for a specialized curriculum for subjects such as biur tefillah or shemitta, where does it look? It reaches out to Torah Umesorah, which has some fifteen immersive curricula on a variety of topics.

When there is an overwhelming need to raise the salaries of our devoted Rebbeim and Moros, to elevate their stature and dignity, who steps in? Torah Umesorah raised over $50 million that goes straight to a salary increase for our tireless mechanchim and mechanchos.

This is but a miniscule sampling of Torah Umesorah’s work for our chinuch system. There are dozens of programs, projects and initiatives created, organized and coordinated by Torah Umesorah across the country, impacting and making a difference daily for hundreds of thousands of boys and girls, our precious children, the future of Klal Yisroel.

On top of all this, Torah Umesorah also runs Project SEED, which has been igniting the Torah spark among the unaffiliated. Yeshiva students, Bais Yaakov girls and Kollel couples spend their summers instilling Torah values within the hearts and minds of adults and children in communities throughout North America, and beyond, through Torah study, recreational events and day camps. Project SEED has succeeded in developing Torah commitment in dozens of communities, helping to create the vibrant Torah homes and communities necessary for sustainable Torah education.

Most of Torah Umesorah’s programs are free or involve minimal costs. But creating, maintaining and coordinating them is not free. Torah Umesorah relies upon our generosity to continue and to grow its indispensable work on behalf of our tinokos shel bais rabban. Every year, Torah Umesorah holds a worldwide event, Chinuch TUesday, to procure the funds necessary for the coming year.This year, Chinuch TUesday will take place on Tuesday, November 15th. $6 million will be raised in the span of 36 hours.

Year round, Torah Umesorah is there for each and every one of us, for our schools, teachers, leaders, and, most of all, for our children. On November 15th, IT’S YOUR TURN to show your support for Torah Umesorah. Join the effort. Take part in the campaign and support Torah Umesorah’s vitally important work. Stand up for our children’s chinuch.  

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