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Machon Smicha: Empowering Program Provides Opportunity to Learn and Receive Smicha Online.

As yeshivos, businesses, and workplaces remain closed, many are joining Machon Smicha, a unique, online program that makes learning and receiving smicha practical. Register today.

Many want to learn and receive smicha, but find it difficult to do so. Some are in places with no structured program, others have difficulty navigating the Shulchan Aruch and its commentaries, while others have difficulty committing to such an undertaking.

Machon Smicha has enabled and empowered hundreds to learn and master halachah, and ultimately receive smicha. And thanks to Machon Smicha’s innovative curriculum and English Study Guide, the program offers a high level of learning that empowers and benefits everyone, from the novice learner to the seasoned scholar.

“Many people have a dream to receive smicha,” explains Rabbi Shlomo Chaim Kesselman, Machon Smicha Director. “The program we created is exciting for so many because now that goal is practical and attainable.”

At Machon Smicha, the topics covered are relevant and practical, smicha is completed in just under a year, and the schedule is made flexible to fit each student’s needs. Amongst other elements, Machon Smicha offers each student:

  • Online portal with access to all the program content.

  • Flexible schedule.

  • Shiurim.

  • English Study Guide, containing introductions, overviews, translations, and in-depth summaries of every halachah.

  • Access to forums and teachers for questions, discussions, etc. 

  • Rabbi and teachers available to answer questions and aid in the learning.

  • Quizzes, review material, and mock tests.

  • Tests with prominent rabbis.

  • Smicha certificate for those who successfully complete the program.

Both past and present students are passionate about the program, “I always wanted to learn and receive smicha, I just thought it was too late. Machon Smicha made it possible and practical for me” explains New York resident Yochanan Cohen, 35. And Baruch Green, 52, from Yerushalayim, says that “Machon Smicha provided me with a structured program to learn and finish smicha.”

“The most beautiful part of the program, aside from the wealth of crucial knowledge the students gain, is the satisfaction they experience upon completion,” concluded Rabbi Kesselman. “That empowers them to continue learning long after they graduate from Machon Smicha.” 

Machon Smicha’s next smicha cohort begins on 26 October 2022 (1 Cheshvan 5783). To learn more, or to register, visit









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