What is the Most Appropriate Segulah for the Day of Hosha’ana Raba

The day of Hosha’ana Raba is a holy and powerful day- the final sealing of judgment- equal in its greatness to Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur.

Kupat Ha’ir approached Harav Shimon Galai shlit”a to ask what is the most appropriate segulah for the day of Hosha’ana Raba.

Maran showed them the sefer of the Kav HaYashar, “Yesod Yossef”, that a proven segulah on Hosha’ana Raba is to say the tefilloh of “Aleinu L’shabeach” seven times, and promises that whoever does so will be saved from all evil decrees.


In addition, the greatest talmid of the Ar”i – Rabbi Chaim Vital- wrote that after saying Aleinu L’shabeach, one should make a request, and his prayer shall be answered. The ‘Yesod Yossef’ specifies Hoshana Rabba as the best time to do this segulah. Therefore, Rabbi Shimon Galai shlit”a advises any person in need of a salvation to say seven times on Hosha’ana Raba the Aleinu L’shabeach according to the instructions specified in the holy books, followed by his personal request.

Maran shlit”a agreed to make time in his busy schedule to be the messenger of Kupat Ha’ir and its donors, and to say for them Aleinu L’shabeach seven times on the day of Hosha’ana Raba with powerful kavannos, and then to bless all the donors’ names and ask HaShem that the promise of Rabbi Chaim Vital be fulfilled.

All those who donate $506, the numerical value of “Aleinu L’shabeach”, will merit that their names be included in the list for Maran’s prayers on Hosha’ana Raba, after his recital of Aleinu L’shabeach seven times.

For the Hoshana Rabba segulah by Rav Galai shlita, click here


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