Maran Gaon Yisroel, Who Loves All of Am Yisroel, With a Rare and Unequivocal Promise

Nachas from your descendants until the end of generations!

All his life, Maran Hagaon Hagadol Rav Avigdor Neventzal shlita, Rav of the Old City of the holy city of Jerusalem, has remained far from the limelight, and served his Creator with fear of Heaven.

For the first time in history, Rav Neventzal has made an exception, with an unambiguous promise to all those helping him with the great tzedakah and educational organizations which he established l’ilui nishmas his son, Hagaon Hagadol Rav Benaya Neventzal ztz”l. 

In this clip, we hear Rav Neventzal blessing all those who help him “that all his descendants will go in the path of Torah and fear of Heaven until the end of all the generations”.

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