The Center Spirit Magazine Provides Fun and Fascinating Reading for Yom Tov

By Yehudit Garmaise

While picking up the last few items at supermarkets in heimish neighborhoods, Boro Parkers can pick up Boro Park Center’s magazine, The Center Spirit, which is packed with meaningful and fascinating reading material for Yom Tov.

To provide reads with insight into the power and emotion that inspires one of the beset shluchei tzibbor Center Spirit interviewed Chazzan Yanky Lemmer, whose career took off after singing with Bentzion Miller’s choir in at Beth El on 15th Avenue on Tu B’Shvat in 2008.

For readers curious about the sourdough challah craze that started during the pandemic, Chaim Pollak provides the results of his investigation that shows that sourdough has been the prime method for leavening bread for most of human history.

Reporter Meir Burns provides readers with a behind-the-scenes look at BPC’s administration, who make sure the large rehab center stays running like a well-oiled machine.

David Berger explains his gratitude for mehudar lulavim and esrogim with which to bench on Sukkos, despite supply chain shortages and last year’s shmita year.

As we prepare, with apprehension and trepidation, to file in a single-file line to be judged and bensched by our King, Rabbi Efrem Goldberg, reassures Yidden in his piece, “The Only Thing to Fear.”

For those thinking ahead to Tzom Gedalia and Yom Kippur, Esti Asher, RDN, LD, provides readers with, “Tips for Before and After a Fast.”

In addition to fiction, history, and fun facts about honey and the simanim, everyone setting their tables with extra regal flair today will love the elegant ideas and easy recipes that Charni Kohn provides to make every Yom Tov table in every home and sukkah: fit for queens and kings.

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