Slabodka Yeshiva to Hold First-Time Ledorosam Event for Eretz Yisroel Alumni

The year 5782 was a year of important milestones for Yeshivas Slabodka of Bnei Brak. It marks 140 years since the Yeshiva’s establishment in 1882 by the Alter of Slabodka. It also marks 75 years since the Yeshiva was reestablished in Eretz Yisroel by Harav Eizik Sher, son-in-law of the Alter. 

Perhaps, an additional milestone in Yeshiva’s history will be the upcoming celebration of this special anniversary. The celebration will take place on Sunday, October 23 at the prestigious Avenue Conference Center located just outside Ben Gurion Airport. 

Those who are somewhat familiar with the nature and history of Slabodka know that alumni celebrations for Eretz Yisroel talmidim of any kind are completely out of character for the Yeshiva – even during Bein Hazemanim. For alumni in Chutz L’aretz, many of whom go on to join the workforce, or have parents who support of the Yeshiva, the Rosh Hayeshiva’s annual fundraising visit is an opportunity to reconnect and to drink from the wellsprings  of Torah and kedushah. Over the past few years, the US event has in fact been transformed to a full-day Yarchei Kallah with an in-depth sugya, shiurim and shmuessen

But in Eretz Yisroel, up until this point, public events and fundraising have not existed. The talmidim in Eretz Yisroel and their parents are primarily marbitzei Torah, maggidei shiur, mechanchim, or employed in other klei kodesh work. 

Indeed, the decision to hold such an event was not made casually. An asifah was held recently with the participation of some 100 alumni representatives from all the Yeshiva’s different tekufos. At that meeting, it was revealed that the Yeshiva’s annual budgetary shortfall amounts to a staggering $3,500,000! 

In the presence of the revered Roshei Yeshiva and Ramim gracing the dais, Harav Shmuel Zaks shlit”a described the weight of the massive financial burden that is carried single-handedly by the Rosh Hayshiva, Hagaon Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch shlit”a. Harav Zaks described in detail the Rosh Yeshiva’s grueling trip to the US; how one of the leading Ziknei Umeorei Hador is reduced to running from appointment to appointment in a manner that is far from fitting for a Gadol of his stature.  

“Where are we? Where is our Hakaras Hatov?” thundered Harav Zaks. “We can no longer afford to sit idly by and allow the Rosh Hayeshiva to carry this burden alone!”  

The Rosh Hayeshiva, Hagaon Harav Dov Landau shlit”a, whose words are generally measured and precise, addressed the meeting. “You all know how the Rosh Hayshiva, Harav Moshe Hillel shlit”a is moser nefesh in an extraordinary and superhuman way. You all certainly want to help in any way possible!” 

As is well known, Harav Moshe Hillel shlit”a has been forced to cut back both on the frequency as well as the length of his visits. For the most part, he is no longer able to hold personal visits with contributors. The future of the Yeshiva is in jeopardy! 

Indeed, the much-anticipated ma’amad promises to be a historic celebration of the past and a magnificent display of kavod haTorah. It will be graced by leading Gedolei Hador and the assemblage will be comprised primarily of generations of Roshei Yeshiva, Ramim, Marbitzei Torah, Rabbonim, dayanim and talmidim chachomim who make up the Yeshiva’s 75-year alumni. 

At the same time, it will also be  a rallying cry of “Mi Lahashem Elei!” Who wants to stand up and be counted amongst those who will secure the  future of Slabodka – a 140-year mainstay of Klal Yisroel? 

Due t the great demand from alumni around the world who wish to participate in this historic event. Efforts are being made to arrange a live hookup. Look out for further announcements. 

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