Are you Ready for Yom HaDin?

Rosh Hashana is almost here. We all make every effort we can to add merits, to do better, to come to the Din with good angels testifying on our behalf. And we can all use some help…

In previous years, year after year, Maran Sar HaTorah HGR’ Chaim Kanievsky zt”l, declared that whoever donate $355 to Kupat Hair, “Certainly any unfavorable decree will be removed from him and he will come out meritorious in judgment”.

Maran Rabbi Chaim left us earlier this year, but his blessing is very much alive. Maranan HGR’ Yitzchak Zilberstein, HGR’ Shimon Gala’i, and HGR’ Shraga Steineman shlit”a, issued a definitive statement: “Tzaddikim are greater after their deaths than they were during their lifetimes”, they declared, and so Rabbi Chaim’s words still apply, and donors will merit to be written in the Book of Life.

Want to do even more hishtadlut for Rosh Hashana? This year, Rabbi Moshe Sternbuch will add another siman to the Rosh Hashana seder: He will take a list of the names of those who donated $355 to Kupat Hair and pray: “May it be Your Will, that all the donors to Kupat Ha’ir who are written here, should have a good and sweet year this year”.

Click here to donate

Your name, too, can appear on this list. You, too, can enjoy that special blessing.

But that’s not all Rabbi Sternbuch is planning to do for Kupat Hair donors. During Aseres Yemai Teshuvah, each day the door of his home closes for a while. No one enters and no one leaves. The door is locked, and Posek HaDor Maran HGR’ Moshe Sternbuch shlit”a opens his sefer Tehillim and davens. For two hours he sits there, till he completes the entire sefer. And then, he davens for whoever contributed $355.00 to Kupat Ha’ir. He can daven for you, too.

As if that’s not enough, Rabbi Sternbuch will also be making a special trip on the day of the Yud-Gimmel Middos (the 13 Attributes of Mercy) to Kever Rochel, where he will mention the names of Kupat Hair donors who have answered the call of his dear friend Maran Sar HaTorah HGR’ Chaim Kanievsky zt”l and contributed $355.00.

Rosh Hashana is almost here. Don’t miss the chance to prepare for it!

Click here to donate

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