There Is A Crack In Our Foundation- Tens Of Thousands Of Men & Boys Are At Risk Of Falling

Klal Yisrael today is like a beautiful tower of Torah and Mitzvos! There has never before been so much Torah learning, shuls, kiruv and chessed.

But we also have challenges that we’ve never had before that put the foundations of our community at risk. 

Kedusha (moral purity) is called Yesod by our Sages, which means “foundation.” Why? Because the foundation of a building is underground. It’s the part of us that no one sees, yet it holds up our entire spiritual structure.

Today, the very foundation of Klal Yisrael is eroding. Accessing explicit online content gets easier every year. As much as we try to block and insulate, thousands upon thousands get trapped in the internet’s addictive and pervasive darkness.

GuardYourEyes receives countless cries for help every day, like these:

  • I’m here because I can’t continue to live a double life. During the day I learn Torah, but at night I can’t resist watching untznius videos. I cry and beat myself up to no end. I apologize to Hashem. I even fast. I try never to be alone with the computer. But nothing works.

  • I am a respected mechanech and marriage counselor. I’ve helped countless bachurim and couples deal with their own problems in this area. And yet I myself have lost my self-control. If you knew who I am, you would weep. I can’t tolerate it any longer.  Can I be helped without blowing my secret?

  • I’ve always looked up to my father. I recently saw his internet browsing history by accident, and since then I can’t fall asleep… I don’t know what I’m supposed to do.


GuardYourEyes has pulled thousands out of the abyss through our free programs and anonymous support — but countless more still need our help.

With the recent launch of the GYE 2.0 website, we are more equipped to tackle this problem than ever before. Over the next 5 years, our goal is to ensure that every single Jew who wants to break free will get the help and support they need.

But we can’t do it without YOU.

Once a year, during the High-Holiday season, we ask you to make a life-changing donation — and to consider that GYE isn’t just “another” organization but rather the bedrock of the foundation of Klal Yisrael.

Help us build and strengthen this foundation until Moshiach comes. For ourselves and for our children.

Donate Online

Watch this video to find out more “GIVING A VOICE TO THE VOICELESS”

Special Gift With Donations of $25 x10!!!

receive our groundbreaking new book “From Boys to Men” written by Dr. Shloimi Zimmerman in conjunction with GYE, with a foreword by Rav Aharon Feldman (Not yet in the stores!). This book provides a comprehensive approach to education and supporting our sons and students regarding puberty, marital intimacy, and today’s challenges to Kedusha.

Donate securely online

Checks can be made out to: “Guard Your Eyes” and mailed to:

GYE Corp. P.O. Box 32380 Pikesville, MD 21282 U.S.A.

Or call 718-878-3075 (24 hours a day)


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