KosherFlix Presents An Incredible New Film – Exploring The Wild World Of Animals

Majestic elephants using their trunks as snorkels as they wade in deep water, towering giraffes fending off mighty lions with their powerful legs, graceful cheetahs racing against the wind at 75 mph… It’s a wild world of animals that Hashem created, and in this video series, you will have a close-up look at many of them.

Join Peleh the Boy Wonder and Dr. Wondervelt as they explore the wilds of Africa and discover incredible facts about these fascinating creatures. The video also includes Torah insights from some of our generation’s leading rabbbanim, such as HaRav Aharon Feldman, HaRav Shmuel Kamenetsky, and other prominent rabbis and educators as well as from renowned storytellers Rabbi Paysach Krohn and Rabbi Maimon Elbaz.

Rent the brand new film today and get access for 30 days!


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