Zaka – Spreading its Wings, Going Global

ZAKA opened in response to the tragic terror attack which took place in Israel in 1989.  Since then, many catastrophes have unfortunately followed including various wars, natural disasters and road accidents.  Over the years ZAKA has expanded its services, currently running 10 units, ready to spring into action with the best suited response for any disaster or tragdey worldwide.   Some of these include a Jeep Unit, K9 (Dog) Unit, Emergency Unit and Chesed Shel Emet Unit.   ZAKA’s thousands of volunteers, with hearts full of love for their fellow human being, felt that helping Israel alone was simply not enough!  Subsequently there began a new era for the ZAKA Organization, spreading its wings, beginning with ZAKA’s critical input with the Mombasa Terror Attack in 2002 and then the New Orleans Katrina Hurricane in 2005.  


Zaka’s assistance at these major catastrophes involving mass casualties led to their recognition by the United Nations as an ”International, Volunteer, Humanitarian Organization.”  This UN recognition enables ZAKA to offer emergency assistance globally before the Country has formally sent a delegation requesting help.  In a further attempt to shorten the response time to mass casualty incidents, ZAKA has trained local emergency response teams worldwide.  To date, ZAKA has established, trained and fully equipped ZAKA International Rescue Units throughout various cities in the United States, England, France, Hong Kong, Singapore, Mexico, Argentina, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Siberia and Georgia.  These volunteers, upon completion of the comprehensive five day ZAKA training programme, receive certification in a number of specialties.  They become certified as Emergency Medical First Responders, Security Preparedness and Response, dealing with Mass Casualty Incidents, Honoring the dead, working with Forensics and Simulation Emergency Drills. 

Some of the many events that ZAKA was instrumental in providing desperately needed medical attention and general support are as follows: The Haiti Earthquake 2010, the Nepal Earthquake 2015, the Guatemala Volcano Eruption 2018, the Pittsburgh catastrophe 2018.  ZAKA’s extensive involvement at the recent horrific collapse of the building at Surfside, Florida was invaluable. Families later reported their gratitude for the emotional support ZAKA volunteers provided during the days searching for missing loved ones, and the subsequent vital help across the board.


These extraordinary individuals have literally dedicated their lives to save as many human beings as possible in the face of all types of horrific circumstances.  No incident is too daunting for them to face, despite the major emotional challenges involved upon witnessing such devastating sights.  They have made an honorable decision to compromise their own comfort; many a time putting their own personal lives on hold for the sake of other fellow human beings they don’t even know.  They make no discrimination between religion, race or ethnicity, treating all human beings across the board with utmost respect and dignity.  

A recent example is when ZAKA, in conjunction with other committees, evacuated ten elderly Holocaust Survivors from the Ukrainian war zone and brought them to be cared for in Israel. They arranged for a private medevac jet to fly these elderly, traumatized individuals via Moldova, accompanied by ZAKA’s expert medical team who would be able to monitor them throughout the flight and transit.  This small incident involved so much organization and care but has touched the lives and families of these ten holy souls for all eternity.

Now is your turn to open up your hearts and enable the esteemed ZAKA Organization to continue its vital work across the board.  They cannot finance the entire running without you! With every dollar you give you are saluting the outstanding work in which ZAKA is engaged, and showing your appreciation for their selfless activities!  In the merit of donating to this charity may you never need to use its services in any way.  May we all merit seeing an end to human suffering with the entire elimination of ZAKA’s services, speedily in our days.  The opportunity to save lives is literally in your hands today; donate generously now!


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