Zaka – As the masses run away, ZAKA draws nearer!

Everyone recognises the ZAKA symbol with its striking red, blue and white colors.  But how many of us actually know the extent of the tremendous work they do?  Perhaps many of us prefer not to know, as understandably the tragedies are often too much to bear.  However, it’s incumbent upon us to take out a few minutes from our busy schedule to peek into what they so bravely dedicate their lives to.  These 3,500 ZAKA volunteers are regular human beings, with sensitive loving hearts, choosing to engage in these courageous activities displaying kindness at the highest levels!


ZAKA has now been up and running for over three decades.  Over the years it has built up different units ensuring that all forms of help are available when needed.  In addition to its professional Search and Rescue Team dedicated to finding stranded individuals, its services also include a Rapid Rescue Motorcycle Unit in order to arrive as quickly as possible at a scene of disaster, a Divers Unit to help rescue those in distress under water, and a Chesed Shel Emet Unit offering honorable burial to the unfortunate deceased victims.  They are available at the drop of a hat to respond to a terrorist attack, natural disaster, road accident or personal tragedy, globally.  A most fitting example is when the entire Jewish world was swept into mourning over the Meron disaster; ZAKA stood up to the call providing all forms of desperately needed assistance.  

ZAKA volunteers show up despite the horrific scenes, putting their own emotions and comfort to the side for the sake of a fellow human being they don’t even know.  They are sometimes left, post tragic events, to deal with the emotional ramifications of the dreadful events they have witnessed.  Yet they draw strength from one another and the tremendous satisfaction that helping humanity breeds.  There is no calamity too daunting for them to enter into, take control of and see to it that each person receives the medical attention they need. They typically arrive with their expert rescue team before any other national crisis responders.  This crucial time difference is often the difference between life and death for victims at the scene.  They are committed to saving lives all over the globe, regardless of religion, race or ethnicity.  They do their unbelievable Avodas Hakodesh, one day at a time, rescuing one life at a time, resulting in saving 20,000 lives annually across 22 countries!!! 


Each is someone’s entire world, often affecting the life of a beloved family member and productive member of society! 

Now is your turn to show that you support their unbelievable work.  Each person can contribute and be a part of this amazing initiative in his own way.  They cannot continue what they do without your financial help!  They are reliant on you to provide the funds so that each unit within the Organization can continue to run efficiently and effectively.  We ask you to contemplate the work in which they are engaged daily, open up your hearts and donate generously! 

With every dollar you give you are saluting ZAKA’s astounding achievements, and showing your appreciation for all its dedication to saving as many lives as possible.   In the merit of donating to this charitable cause may you never need to benefit from ZAKA’s services. 


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