Tonight! Segula to have children

It is not a secret that nighttime learning is particularly auspicious for zera shel kayama (to have children). 

This well-known, well-proven segula is described so eloquently and instructively by the Ben Ish Chai in Keser Malchus (siman 160), “The husband and wife should sponsor the needs of a chabura, who awaken to learn at Chatzos, and in this zechus, they will be blessed with zera shel kayama, and so they should do constantly.” 


The Kollel Chatzos office reports that they constantly hear besuros tovos that the talmidei chachamim’s davening has brought forth the long-awaited yeshuos.

Tonight September 8, 13 Elul is the yahrtzeit of the holy Ben Ish Chai. And while the Ben Ish Chai’s segula is applicable every night of the year, it is particularly meaningful when performed on his very yahrtzeit. Therefore, Kollel Chatzos dedicates this night as a special Leil Tefila for couples who are waiting for children. 


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