The Shidduch System is Failing Us. 250 Shadchanim Did Something About It

Motzoei Shabbos, 8:37 pm

Gut voch Mrs. Friedler, it’s Malky Stein. I’m checking back on that name you mentioned last week?

Motzoei Shabbos, 9:22 pm

Hi Malky, shavua tov. I feel really bad, but he said it’s not what he’s looking for. Did I ever mention Dovid Klein? 

Motzoei Shabbos, 9:46 pm

Thank you for trying. I already went out with Dovid Klein, wonderful guy but not what I’m looking for.

Motzoei Shabbos, 10:05 pm

Maybe it’s worth rethinking? I know and you know that you are a fantastic girl, but there just aren’t a lot of options out there right now who match your specifications.

Motzoei Shabbos, 10:19 pm

I really appreciate your help, yes it looked great on paper, but not in person. Sorry to vent, I just keep getting redt to the same people, over and over again, it just gets frustrating…

Motzoei Shabbos, 10:47 pm

I’m really sorry, it is tough. I wish I had more to offer you, but right now, I just don’t have anything. I will certainly think further and let you know if anything new comes up.

Motzoei Shabbos, 11:03 pm

Thanks for your understanding. It gets pretty stressful dealing with shadchanim who don’t seem to get it… I get a lot of suggestions that are way off-base. It’s really great that you understand what I’m looking for.

One week later, Tuesday, 10:37 am

Hi Malky, have you heard of Adopt-A-Shadchan? I just joined their shadchan network, they have a lot to offer, might be a game-changer. Maybe you should sign up for their database? I’ve spoken to lots of the shadchanim there and they seem really on the ball. It might be worth a shot.


Tuesday, 10:41 am

I’ll take a look. Thanks for reaching out! 

Wednesday, 7:07 pm

Malky, just following up on Adopt-A-Shadchan. Was wondering if you signed up for the database yet? Also, separately, I came across some new names from our AAS chat that seem like they might be your type. Has the name Moshe Deutsch ever come up?  

Wednesday, 7:37 pm

Thanks for checking in! I did sign up, and a shadchan reached out already to ask me some more questions about what I was looking for. Seems like she already started searching for some ideas. I’m actually able to see how often the shadchan searches through the database for me! Moshe Deutsch does not ring a bell… would you mind sending me more info?

Wednesday, 7:39 pm

That’s great! Sure, I’ll send you the info. Actually, Adopt-A-Shadchan (we call it AAS) is holding a singles event this Tuesday evening, and Moshe is planning on attending. If the details look good to you, I can register you for the event and you can see for yourself? Even if Moshe isn’t shayach, the guys attending are really solid. 

Wednesday, 8:15 pm

Sounds like a plan- I’d be interested in attending, thank you so much! 

One week later, Wednesday morning, 8:26 am

Gm Mrs. Friedler, wanted to touch base. The event was really lovely! So classy, and all the singles and shadchanim seem really nice. I met Moshe Deutsch last night, and the shidduch seems like a good idea. Can you set us up?

Wednesday, 9:00 am

That’s great, glad you enjoyed! Moshe also responded positively to meeting you. Id’ be happy to move things forward. Will be in touch.

Wednesday, 9:19 am

Thanks again for all your work. I’m really grateful you shared AAS with me, it looks like they are doing great work.

Wednesday, 10:22 am

Glad I can help in a real way. I am so happy AAS is here too – they are making a big difference for the shadchanim as well.

The above is a fictional representation of conversations that are taking place daily across the country. Both singles and shadchanim feel disheartened and frustrated with the limitations of the current shidduch system.

In just over three years, Adopt-A-Shadchan has emerged as a transformational organization recalibrating our shidduch system to empower our singles, parents, and shadchanim to take control of their part of the shidduch process. More than 250 shadchanim and over 3,000 singles across the US have joined the movement. With innovative initiatives like Nix The Pix, Wedding Redting, Fredting, Be My Guest and the Prayer Pact, programs for singles and shadchanim, support, mentorship and financial resources through Lev Chana Leah, AAS is, with Hashem’s help, looking to expand its services to more cities and communities and empower more singles and shadchanim. Together, we want to show the world that we are Single; not Solo!

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