Tragedy Struck In The Middle of Bike 4 Chai This Year, Chaim’s Family Is In Desperate Need Of Our Help!

Chaim Was in Middle of His Third Bike4Chai. And Then Tragedy Struck.

Bike4Chai is a truly incredible event, unlike anything else in the realm of biking or fundraising. For its participants, it’s one of the highlights of their year.
And for the recipients of the chesed personified by Bike4Chai, the event is likewise a highlight of their year.
This year, the bike-a-thon started off with the usual pomp and ceremony as the riders geared up to bike to Camp Simcha.
But tragedy struck midway.

In the middle of the ride, one of the riders, Chaim (Craig) Ancier, a 37-year-old father of 4 young children, suffered a heart attack at mile 33 of the route. Paramedics worked on him and he was taken to the hospital, where he was placed on a ventilator.

As these words are written, Chaim remains unresponsive, lying in a coma in a Pennsylvania hospital, his wife and children still grappling with the new reality they are facing.
In MINUTES they had seemingly lost the husband and father they knew.

A baal chesed with a heart of gold, Chaim is adored in his home community, where he is loved for everything he stands for. A humble, self-effacing, ehrliche Yid, Chaim is a social worker willing to do anything he could to help anyone in need.


The family needs your help at this time
. The medical costs are staggering.
Askanim are pleading with us to ensure that the family has the financial menuchas hanefesh to focus on their husband’s and father’s care and get through each day, despite the emotional and practical difficulty involved.

Chaim & his family are counting on us- Please help us today!

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