Chaya begs you to save her life!


Dear brothers,

I turn to you with a sad, broken heart.

I am the mother of Chaya, an adorable 4-and-a-half-year-old girl.

Since she was born, she’s been suffering from cerebral palsy, epilepsy and breathing difficulties.

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My husband and I are at her bedside 24/7 because she needs to be under supervision at all times. The saliva from her mouth needs to be suctioned out every few minutes so that she does not chas veshalom choke on it and die.

We are suffering terribly and are in tremendous agony.

We have enormous medical expenses, are unable to work and are therefore unable to provide for our other 3 children.

We have accumulated very high debts – hundreds of thousands of shekels. We do not have the ability to continue taking care of our dear Chaya and saving her life!

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We are collapsing and need your compassion and support.

Please help us get out of this deep hole and allow us to save the life of our special girl.

Please don’t ignore our pain and suffering!

I’m ashamed to be reaching out and asking for help, but I have no other choice.

I thank you for all your help and give you a bracha that you should always be on the giving end, with health, joy and happiness.

Tizku lemitzvos

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