How to Reimagine the Relationships That Anchor Our Lives: Rabbi Dovid Cohen Shares

Rabbi Dovid M. Cohen  is an internationally renowned motivational speaker, spiritual leader, life coach, entrepreneur and author. His empathic approach has empowered many individuals to achieve success in all aspects of life. His teachings are firmly rooted in Torah knowledge mixed together with contemporary thinking.

In his new work titled “Together Again”, Rabbi Cohen (using inspirational and thought provoking personal stories) challenges his readers to rethink the way they deal with the most important relationships in their lives. 

The Queen of England, in response to a request for life advice, commented, “If I had to give only one piece of advice, it would be to invest in human connections. There is nothing more important in life than connecting with other people, and I think the last year or so has made that very clear.”

Recent global events have necessitated rethinking so many aspects of our lives. It is time to reimagine how to better connect with the significant people around us as well.

A groundbreaking guide to navigating the critical relationships that anchor our lives.

To follow more of Rabbi Cohen’s content & order your copy of “Together Again” today


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