Watch: Addressing the Need for Male Speech Therapists

The Orthodox community currently faces a critical shortage of licensed male speech-language pathologists (SLPs) to treat the infant through geriatric population. Now, with the introduction of the Speech Therapy degree track, this will no longer be the case! Jobs are plentiful, salaries are high, and in following this unique path designed for frum males by Rabbanim and educational experts, you’ll be positioned to earn a comfortable income while transforming the lives of children and adults forever. 

 The Bachelor’s in Speech and Audiology is offered live-online, can be completed in just one year, and includes all SLP prerequisite courses. The Master’s in SLP is offered live-online and can be completed in a year and a half.  

The average entry level salary for a male speech therapist is between $85,000-$105,333 and climbs significantly from there. 

Jump into this high-demand field with a quality degree from The Men’s Division at Sara Schenirer and start earning! 


*Only four seats are left in the Fall Cohort* 

Call or Whatsapp  R’ Leon today at 718-633-8557 ext. 40 to reserve your seat. 

To begin your application, click here.  

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