TTI: The Most Innovative Trailblazing Accounting Program in Lakewood!

How a Career as an Accountant Has Become More Attainable for Frum Women

An exclusive interview with Perela Berney, CPA, Director of TTI’s Accounting Program

In the past couple of decades, women have been looking for a cheaper and easier pathway to attain an accounting degree. What has changed now for students in New Jersey?

As word spreads about TTI’s success with their CPA certification program, more and more women are taking advantage of the excellent career opportunity and signing up. For years, TTI saw great success with the program in New York, and they have recently expanded to offer in person classes for women in New Jersey to serve the frum community there. We did have students from New Jersey previously, but there were no in person classes to take advantage of.

How long does the accounting program at TTI take?

The program can be completed in as little as 18 months, with a combination of live classes and self-study coursework, where students complete the coursework on their own time. The program meets the New Jersey CPA requirements, offering a combination of self-study and in person classes. Professors are hand-picked by TTI, and all have years of real-world accounting experience. Students receive valuable and detailed guidance from them throughout the process. They also know they can always reach out to me with any questions at any time. As the student liaison, it is one of the favorite parts of my job, and I just truly want to help each and every student with whatever they may need.

It’s incredible that the program can be done so quickly! The weekly class schedule must be intense!

Not at all, actually. The in person classes take place twice a week, on Sunday and one evening a week. The rest is self-study as per each student’s individual schedules. An added bonus of an all-female cohort is the reassurance that you will have others to support and guide you through the process. Our students all become great friends and they find it enormously helpful to know they are not on their own. They also can take advantage of the incredibly experienced and intelligent professors who can guide them as needed. 

Why choose TTI’s accounting program over others?

TTI has decades of experience in helping the community graduate with degrees in a variety of industries, and it is their experience which ensures the smoothest and most seamless process to becoming a CPA. Not only will students graduate from Eastwick College with the knowledge they need to work to become a CPA, they will also be hired easily, as prospective employers know TTI graduates are well prepared and knowledgeable. 

And best of all? The price! Students who receive financial aid and come equipped with credits from seminary or other sources can pay as little as $9,600 for this program!   

You, too, can register now, start immediately and graduate only 18 months from now!

This all sounds amazing. Thank you for your time, Perela.

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