Mesivta boys to Poland? – Aren’t they too young?

By: Rabbi Elly Merenstein 

Anti-hypocrisy charged, craving authentic connection. 

A penchant for all matters deep and meaningful. 

The above description can aptly express the teens of our particular day and age. 

These are our kids, and we love them. They are the ones relentlessly pushing us to be honest and to keep our growth levels at maximum capacity. We do get constant paradigm shifts as they continue reminding us of what it is that we tend to forget. And that is just how deep, piercingly aware, and truly sensitive they are. 

The  extensive range of their various feelings they so eloquently express and is so easily validated by an unprecedented generation of adults who, to our credit, have dug real deep to navigate a world of both facts and of feelings we simply never knew existed.

While so much has changed, and we are constantly [Hashem] provided with many life-changing resources, the air is thick with genuine excitement and boundless hope. 

You see, I firmly believe that we are merely scratching the surface, and I sincerely feel that we are at the cusp of a bright new era. The best is yet to come. 

הִנֵּה אָנֹכִי שֹׁלֵחַ לָכֶם, אֵת אֵלִיָּהו הַנָּבִיא–לִפְנֵ יום , הַגָּדוֹל, וְהַנּוֹרָא.

וְהֵשִׁיב לֵב-אָבוֹת עַל-בָּנִים, וְלֵב בָּנִים עַל-אֲבוֹתָם.

But something irks , niggles and lurks. At this point- Something still seems so off the mark. What appears so fascinating is also quite scary. While the kids do exhibit such depth and sensitivity, there is also much to consider and so much to probe regarding their  at times -shocking -fleeting nature of giving in and so quickly giving up. 

What are we missing? 

Here is a report from my perch: Here is my list of what I not so humbly and yet sincerely strongly recommend needs our attention: 

1) They think that life is forever. 

“ It is the youth who are drunk with youth.” 

Kids of all ages and in every generation are in the default mode that life is a resource that will just stretch on forever.  

When living in Eretz Yisrael, I noticed that the bitter reality of nearly war and skirmish every few years and with little rhyme or reason creates by default, a “country culture,” if you will. In Eretz Yisrael, there is hardly a native family that takes life, living daily, and being with family in peaceful times for granted in the slightest.  

How many families have needed to dig deep into savings of the high dosage Emunah needed to bury many of their children,  fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, and cousins? 

Too many kids in America are wont to think that life is a right and not so much a gift. 

2) Mesiras Nefesh -There seems to be a strange dichotomy. There is a thirst to grow, and the myriad opportunities are being taken seriously. Yet, the kids cannot handle the idea of struggle. Our positive thinking and goal-oriented excites, but they tend to panic and may even check out when they learn that they may be a tiny bit of struggle, sweat tears and much patience needed. 

What our kids are not comprehending, or maybe better put, they are “blue checking,” is that mesiras nefesh is a hallmark and is a big part of who we are. The hallmark of our great nation is of struggling and emerging a much grander version of yourself! 

 3) Lack Of history (knowledge)- Do you know that our kids may think or feel that the Holocaust took place hundreds of years ago, no matter even if they know that Kristallnacht took place 84 years ago?  How many of our kids know that before the Holocaust we were at 17 million, today maybe 14 or 15 million. How many know that a pitiful  1.5 million (approximate numbers) are shomer torah umitzvos. Do our kids know that before the Holocaust the jews  settled in Poland for over 1,500 years never thinking the Holocaust would end that. The entire era of America is a mere 245 years old. Do our kids know and do they think about these things? 

4) A Self-esteem pandemic -, knowing who your true self is, 

There is a lack of clarity on the power of self. This self refers to your Neshama as your primary identity, and kids must live with an abiding sense of deep Gaaveh. A Gaaveh Dekedusha. It would help to leave the “dalet” amos of your small-minded personal life experiences. For It is not about you. It is about Kvod Shamayim. We want to show up in droves and with our children on our shoulders as we joyously connect in the city that best fosters connections. Why? B’rov Am Hadras Melech. To honor him. You are a Jew. An essential part of a collective nation that works as an individual and a group effort for an entity or, better explained, a divine monarchy called Mamleches Shamayim. 

So. Are the kids the problem? 

No they are the solution.

Is our mindset the problem? 

Maybe and maybe not but as G-d fearing Jews we always know that we can and must never rest on our laurels. If we can do more than we must!  The future of klal yisrael can ten steps backwards or forwards depending on you and on me. 

Are they too weak for such great and lofty goals? 

No chance. They are likely way stronger than us. 

Perhaps we are doomed and should wait or daven for Mashiach?  

Unacceptable. NO WAY, Absolutely not. 

Our Tzon Kodoshim are far from disloyal, weak, or superficial. If we think so than there is much that we are missing. 

Regardless- They need us to act. 

How so ? 

1 . Reveal and unleash the Koach of Neshama We must keep growing and stay centered on Hashem’s connection to view ourselves and them, with our primary identity being our Neshama. Just like we allow a mayor to run his city and all in their department successfully support him by knowing their job, doing their job, and allowing him to be in charge. So to , we must let our Neshamos be our “mayors’ as a  gentle yet brilliant “voice” guiding us and let our kids do the same. 

2. Know the and live the goal of Chinuch , set  the goal of Chinuch and align the purpose of all you do to teach, inspire and influence Bederech Hatorah. They are the future of our nation. We do not merely look at them in the now. It is not simply about who they are or who they are being, but about who they came from, the Neshama they carry[ or better said -that holds them]. It is NOT about their behavior right now or about the person they are “being” right now, but instead it is about the path they are on and who the person is that they are intent on becoming. The sincere goal of every Torah true Mechanech is all about גם כי יזקין לא יסור ממנה. As the holy Aish Kodesh Zatzal succinctly guided all the parents and Rebbeim in his Yeshiva’s Student Handbook : 

 זה הוא עיקר החנוך שלא בלבד בשעה שהנער נער, ויד אביו עודה תקיפה עליו ישמע לו ויעשה כמצותיו, רק גם כשיגדל והוא ברשותו, אף כי יזקין לא יסור ממנה. 

3. -TELL THEM  –

Tell them the what, who, how and why’s they need to know. 

Express, define and do not be afraid to be direct but do be short , sweet and to the point. Our nation’s future depends on us simply expressing the most basics of details that are so vital to live and identify with. We must simply provide provide arrows pointing the way . Do not leave these matters to assumption. 


Tell them who they are, who we are. Where we came from. 


If you do ask them and they don’t know than that just means you simply have managed to tell them. 

They are the future of our nation. TELL THEM THAT. 

This is the purpose of our trip to Poland. It is a mission that nobody is too young or too old for. 

A carefully focused and meticulously designed trip set to set things right and all balanced in the most uplifting and most positive of ways. 

Afilu Bhastara we will flood the darkest of places with so great a light. No need to fight darkness and certainly no need to find crazy solutions nor to beat darkness with a stick. All that was needed was to turn the lights on. 

We leave next Monday night at 7:05 pm on an incredible monumental growth opportunity of a lifetime. Spots are limited. For more information please call or WhatsApp the MSP office at 516. 415. 2758 or email [email protected]

I thank you for taking the time to be mechabed me by reading my article and if you are joining the trip – I look forward to meeting you personally. 


Rabbi Elly Merenstein 

Rosh Mesivta 

Mesivta Shaarei Pruzdor

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