Orphan can’t afford Tefillin

A Bar Mitzvah is a big moment in a young mans life for both the family and individual. It’s a milestone, in which Torah becomes more meaningful and launches a lifelong commitment to avodas Hashem. 

In one month is Yossie’s Bar Mitzvah. His 5 siblings and mother will be there, but unfortunately his father will not. Yossie was orphaned from his father as a small child, and his mother has been the bread winner for the family ever since. She does everything she can to care for them and give them all they need, but each month is harder than the next. CLICK HERE TO DONATE!

Now as Yossie is reaching Bar Mitzvah, she doesn’t even have enough for a seudas mitzvah for the family and friends. A fund was launched to honor Yossies Bar Mitzvah and be there for this family at their time of joy. Beezras Hashem Yossie will be able to buy a hat and suit, tefillin, and a seudas mitzvah for his family and friends. 

We can easily make Yossis dreams come true and we can give him that Bar Mitzvah he will always remember. In the merit of helping Yossi celebrate his Bar Mitzvah, may Hashem bring you and your family much Simcha and nachas.


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