Only hours left! Will you make sure that cancer patients in your community can get the most powerful care?

The clock is ticking. Over 3,700 cancer patients in communities throughout the continent and beyond are relying on YOU to make sure that they can receive the right medical care and recover from the dreaded disease, b’ezras Hashem.

No matter where you live, there are unfortunately all too many men, women, teenagers, and even young children in your community battling cancer and undergoing grueling treatments. This is a painful reality for them as well as their family and friends.

Virtually every one of these suffering souls relies on RCCS as a lifeline – the one-stop resource that guides them from diagnosis through recovery and makes sure that everyone has access to the absolute best medical care available anywhere in the world.

Please be there for them now!

In its quest to save lives, RCCS never rests! RCCS conducts extensive medical research, and provides medical referrals and support, serving as the patient’s virtual “back office” from beginning to end. RCCS gets each patient into the best doctor for their diagnosis; this includes handling their medical records and expediting appointments. RCCS provides insurance guidance and advocacy, helping a patient navigate the complex world of insurance, and advocating for them when an insurer rejects a claim. RCCS provides crucial financial support, paying patients’ full insurance premiums and subsidizing out-of-pocket medical costs. RCCS ensures that finances never stand between a patient and world-class treatment. In addition, the RCCS Care Management team helps patients and their families access the full gamut of financial and logistical assistance available through individual donors and other organizations. 

It currently costs over $16.5 million a year for RCCS to cover its global operations, including paying insurance premiums and other patient expenditures. Dozens of new cancer patients reach out for help each week. The communities of Flatbush, Crown Heights, Monsey, Queens, Far Rockaway/Five Towns, Elizabeth, and beyond have united to support RCCS’s lifesaving operations through a special two-day “POWER” online fundraising campaign. This is RCCS’s primary community fundraising event in these communities for the year.

THERE ARE JUST HOURS LEFT for you to make sure that RCCS can save the lives of your friends and neighbors. The RCCS POWER campaign is now in its second and final day, with the clock ticking until the campaign ends – and the goal must be reached. Please donate without delay.

It is only through the widespread participation of Yidden from a cross-section of communities that the goal will be reached iy”H.

(Donate Now)

Thank you for doing your part! 

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