Experience The “Unexpected”: Project Inspire’s Tisha B’av Video

When life presents us with challenges and unexpected difficulties arise, we often succumb to overwhelming anxiety and grief.  

But there are heroes among us who rise to the occasion even in times of  adversity.  They overcome their challenges with positivity and a sense of purpose. Thus do they become our greatest inspiration.  

Join Project Inspire for their thirteenth annual Tisha B’av video on Sunday, August 7th, by viewing an outstanding 55-minute documentary film called “Unexpected”. The film is about individuals who could have easily fallen into the abyss of doubt and uncertainty in their times of challenge.  But instead, they rose to the occasion and discovered Divine intervention when everything seemed lost.  

Close to 100,000 viewers watched the Project Inspire Tisha B’av videos in the past and even more are expected to tune in this year.  The film, which was produced by Mint Media,  begins with an introduction by HaRav Reuven Feinstein, and is riveting.  The stories are extraordinary and the messaging is clear.  At times of great devastation, if someone reaches out with compassion and care, the loss and the loneliness are transformed into a springboard for holiness and hope.  Suddenly everything changes.  And that someone could be anyone, even you.  

The “Unexpected” trailer can be viewed by logging on to projectinspire.com/tisha.  Follow the prompts for instructions on viewing the entire film on Tisha B’av itself.  And remember to watch the Project Inspire talk show featuring Rabbi Yossie Friedman and Charlie Harary during the last two hours of Tisha B’av when they will discuss the stories of “Unexpected” and the lessons to be learned.  

It’s the unexpected events that can change the trajectory of people’s lives.  

For more information about “Unexpected”, Project Inspire’s Tisha B’av video, visit projectinspire.com/tisha

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