WATCH: Rabbi Daniel Glatstein on the Depth and Meaning of Tisha B’Av

So many tears. So much hope.

The Three Weeks, culminating with the mourning of Tisha B’Av, is a time of sorrow – and faith. A time of deep suffering – and endless love. A time of mourning over destruction – and belief in the possibility of rebuilding.

Rav and founder of Machon Maggid Harakiah in Cedarhurst, NY, Rabbi Daniel Glatstein is one of the contemporary Jewish world’s most popular speakers and respected maggidei shiur. His books have been hailed for their brilliance, originality, and clarity of thought and the extraordinarily wide range of their sources, many of them rare and virtually unknown. His Hebrew language sefarim, too, have been acclaimed throughout the Torah world.

In The Darkness and the Dawn, a must-have volume for the Three Weeks, Rabbi Glatstein guides us through a sweeping survey of the travails and triumphs of Jewish history, from the Churban Bais Hamikdash to the Spanish Inquisition, the Chmielnicki pogroms and the Holocaust. Rabbi Glatstein presents unique and compelling perspectives on Jewish suffering throughout the ages, inspiring us to take our pain and sorrow and use them to yearn for and hasten the redemption. [To purchase the book, CLICK HERE.]


In the following video, Rabbi Glatstein offers a selection from his acclaimed book, giving us a greater appreciation for the day of Tish B’Av.



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