How Can A Blind Person Learn Torah?

How can a blind child attend Cheder like every other boy his age?

How can a blind little girl read the Circle magazine each week?

How can a blind father read the weekly Mishpacha magazine?

How can a blind Zeidy learn his daily daf and complete shas?

How can a blind bochur fulfill his Shnayim Mikra?

How can an ALS patient communicate and learn?

The answer is CSB Cares.

CSB Cares creates seforim in braille for talmidim in yeshiva. But not just regular braille seforim, specially printed ones, with the text in print as well, so that their rebbeim can follow along and teach with as well.

CSB Cares prints and distributes the Circle Mishpacha magazine each week in braille so their recipients can enjoy it too!

CSB Cares has created software that any Jewish person can access, so they can learn the Hebrew text in braille. CSB Cares has created and worked on outstanding eye tracking technology so paralyzed individuals can learn and communicate, and lead fulfilling lives.

CSB Cares is filling a communal need that no one else can.

When a family faces an eyesight related struggle, CBS Cares is there for them to ensure quality of life.


CSS Cares innovates daily with new technology and programs available to its recipients. They need OUR HELP to fund these incredible initiatives.

Please help them raise $600,000 so they can ensure that everyone in our community can learn and communicate!

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