She urgently needs a heart transplant, and if we wait too long, it’ll be too late.

How can anyone ignore a mother’s cry?

My Libby is only 4 years old, and her life is hanging by a thread…

Libby was born with a serious heart defect, and underwent cardiac surgery as an infant. The doctors said that she would, hopefully, pull through. 

But shortly after she turned 3, her heart stopped functioning, and we rushed her back to the hospital, 

Baruch Hashem, they managed to save her, but she’s living on miracles and can’t continue like for this long.

She urgently needs a heart transplant, and if we wait too long, it’ll be too late.

I have to fly with Libby abroad immediately so she can get the care she needs. 

But the cost of a transplant and affiliated expenses amount to close to 3 million shekels!

It’s inconceivable. I can’t even imagine so much money… How will I raise a fraction of it?

The doctors warn me that I’m wasting time, that Libby’s life is in the balance, and every day that passes is a risk.


I’m a single mother to two beautiful little girls. I support myself. I don’t own an apartment, and with Libby sick now, I can’t even afford to cover the rent for our tiny one-bedroom rental.  

I’m already in debt from Libby’s endless medical expenses and the difficult period that preceded my divorce. My parents and married siblings all help me out.  None of them are rich, but they still do what they can to support us with maaser money, meals and hand-me-downs.

But none of them have the 3 million shekels I need to save my daughter’s life!

I’m reaching out to you with tears streaming down my face. 

When I got divorced and became a single mom to two tiny kids, I thought my life was over. Little did I dream of the nightmare awaiting me. 

I can’t lose Libby.

My darling Libby walks around with a machine larger than her frail little body. When I’m not looking, she tries to pull out the wires. She doesn’t understand that her life depends on those wires…

She keeps asking me when she’ll be going back to kindergarten, and I don’t know what to say.

She keeps asking me if she’s getting better, and all I want to tell her is “Yes! Yes! Yes!” 

But how can I tell her that when it’s so far from the truth?

How can I tell her that she’ll be better soon when we can’t afford a transplant she needs to save her life?

With no choice and a devastated heart, I turn to our and beg you to 


So the next time she asks, I cantell her that she’ll be better very, very soon!

Kol Yisrael achim. We’re all brothers and sisters.

Wouldn’t you help if it was your cousin, your niece, your sister?

Wouldn’t you help if it was your daughter?

Save my Libby’s life!!

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