Moving Mountains: A 10K Upstate Initiative

Moving Mountains: A 10K Upstate Initiative

10K Batay Yisroel is running a Moving Mountains initiative where bungalow colonies are joining together as a networking team to redt shidduchim. 

Women in colonies all over are using this time during the 3 weeks to bring increased meaning to their more relaxed schedules. 

It all starts with one person in the colony seeing the opportunity, signing up and sharing with their colony that they can join too. The more people who join the team, the more networking takes place and the more suggestions made. 

Teams can sign up at and can add more members in the following days as the excitement builds and more people sign up. It only takes one person to bring a colony on board and the impact is endless!

The team that makes the most suggestions by Monday August 8th will win a private musical performance by Eli Levin at their bungalow colony! 

How does this fit into bungalow colony life? The opportunities for networking in the bungalow colony are endless! Some examples include:

  • Long shabbos afternoons

  • At the pool

  • An organized shidduch meeting in a gazebo

  • On the way to Walmart with a few friends 

  • On your porch on a rainy morning 

There will also be popup gifts so more people can win and not just the final winning team! Stay tuned! 

Multiple teams have signed up, hundreds of suggestions have been made already and first dates are already going out! Don’t allow your bungalow colony to miss out on this movement taking over the mountains!

To get started is the easiest place to enter your team info. You can also send an email to [email protected] with any questions.

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