If we can’t do it, neither can the farmers

When Shmitah started, Keren Hashviis made a promise.

 We told thousands of farmers, “If you keep Shmitah, we’ll provide a monthly stipend. We will stand with you.”

The cost of these stipends is more than $66 MILLION globally ($33.5 million from the US and Canada).

And now, with only weeks left to Shmitah, we still have millions to raise.

In the past, farmers have dropped out only weeks before Shmitah ended. When you are living check to check, already so far into the red, you can’t afford to wait even a single day. 


If we are even a day late on any payment, we will lose farmers.

But we can’t let that happen.

This year, for the first time since the Churban, 51% of Jewish-owned agricultural land is laying fallow. This historic milestone brings tremendous bracha to all those involved — and brings us one step closer to the Geulah.

במוצאי שביעית בן דוד בא.

It’s an incredible milestone — but it’s all at risk. We need your help to ensure the farmers reach the finish line.

Help Keren Hashviis cover their stipends. Every dollar counts. 


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