As we all await Moshiach, there’s an 11 year old boy bringing him closer

Dovid is 11 years old, but already he knows what it’s like to sacrifice. A lot.

You see, Shmitah is a constant part of his life. He knows about it from the second he wakes up and peeks through the bedroom window at the yellowing, willowing grass.

He sees it in Ima’s eyes, when she opens the fridge and finds only a few options for lunch.

He hears it in Abba’s voice, when he explains that, “I’m sorry, Dovid, but we can’t get you a new chain for your bike.”


Dovid and thousands of kids like him are Shmitah heroes. They sacrifice — on behalf of Klal Yisroel — every day. 

במוצאי שביעית בן דוד בא. Their zechus is bringing Moshiach closer.

There are only weeks left to Shmitah and Keren Hashviis is still millions away from the goal. Every dollar makes a difference.


Share Dovid’s zechus. Donate today to support kids like him.


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